Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Calm before the storm...let's get busy

It is that time, the calm before the storm of winter sales...meaning the perfect time for you and I to:
  1. finalize your winter tea offerings, finish formulation, and place orders ~ for inspiration see attached Holiday Tea offerings from last winter (valid for this year too!)
  2. get your winter orders in for your high volume items, negotiate pricing on volume (helping us project and negotiate best pricing)
  3. talk about what is in stock now - that usually runs out! SUCH AS:  Lemon grass tbc $2/lb, and Organic Lemon Grass c/s and tbc each $3/lb. Chamomile - organic tbc $4.50, Org whole $6.50, conventional whole $5.50, tbc $3.  Rosehips Org tbc $5.70.   Gunpowder - Org. 9374 $3.50 (C10139), C10141 Ex Spl 3505 Gunpowder $6.90, and conventional 3505 $3.  
  4. don't forget cardamom is down this year - but tea pricing is going up - so if you can place orders now, I would advise you to STOCK UP NOW or secure pricing for the next month beofre it rises - see attached article from World Tea News   
  5. talk about some Kenyan teas - I will send you info very soon on some that are overstocked here...I will send you cupping notes and ideas on how you can use them to your advantage at a GREAT price to move it out from us to you at a fabulous value 
  6. it is time to start thinking and planning on next years teas, especially in iced teas
  7. have you seen our new website and registered to view pricing?  www.qtradeteas.com, PLEASE NOTE - you can not order on here yet, so please ignore anything on this function (for now!), you can not check your account on here yet either! 
  8. lastly - check out my blog for more interesting info!  http://desntea.blogspot.com/,such as this interesting article on "The State of the Industry" From Bev Industry ...  http://desntea.blogspot.com/2012/07/2012-state-of-industry-tea-and-ready-to.html

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