Monday, June 11, 2012

Another "Authentic Tea" demand....

Döhler's Premium RTD Teas Create New Potential Through Authentic Brewed Tea!

On average, each person drinks 56 litres of tea per year. In contrast, only 6 litres of this amount can be attributed to RTD iced tea. Why? In part because many consumers regard classic iced tea as being too sweet and often lacking the characteristic tea taste. As a result of the broad global acceptance of tea, Döhler (Doehler) sees untapped market potential in the RTD tea segment. By offering high quality RTD tea concepts based on authentic tea taste, Döhler strives to enable beverage manufacturers to tap into this potential. As one of the world's leading producers, marketers and suppliers of technology-based natural ingredients, ingredient systems and integrated solutions, Döhler has developed innovative tea beverages in cooperation with its partner Plantextrakt. These drinks range from “Brewed Iced Teas” to “Premium Brewed Iced Teas” and “True Teas”. In line with these concepts, Döhler offers strong freshly brewed and non-concentrated Strong Tea Infusions.
Strong Tea Infusions – the basis for authentic tea indulgence
By forgoing technical concentration and additives, “Strong Tea Infusions” taste like freshly-brewed tea. Apart from different tea infusions such as black tea, green tea, white tea, rooibos and mate, the portfolio also features strong infusions made of herbs, spices and fruits. Due to the intense, authentic taste, no additional flavours or extracts are required. The tea infusions allow for advertisements claiming "made with directly brewed tea". Along with cost-efficient tea infusions for an easy enhancement of iced teas, Döhler also offers premium tea infusions. These are produced with the finest tea leaves, which means that the variety and country of origin can be claimed on the label.
The evolution of classic iced tea: Brewed Iced Tea
Classic iced teas with the taste of lemon and peach are as popular as ever. However, these classic iced teas often lack the characteristic taste of tea. Strong Tea Infusions are an ideal way to give classic iced teas an authentic tea note. Döhler has developed the Brewed Iced Tea concept, in which tea extracts are replaced by Strong Tea Infusions, allowing for advertisements claiming "made with directly brewed tea". Brewed Iced Teas stand out on account of their natural appearance and authentic taste profile, thereby clearly distinguishing themselves from existing classic iced teas on the market.
Premium Brewed Iced Teas: Only the best of everything!
Premium Brewed Iced Teas open up a world of absolute premium indulgence. Only tea infusions made from premium tea leaves of different tea varieties (e.g. Ceylon, Darjeeling, etc.) are used. The combination of natural fruit juices and reduced sugar characterise Premium Brewed Iced Teas with a particularly natural and refreshing taste profile blended with a typical tea note. Concepts with fruit or herbal infusions also have a very interesting taste profile. This premium concept appeals in particular to iced tea drinkers who are looking for natural refreshment with the authentic taste of tea.
True Tea* – tea in its purest form
Enjoy tea in its purest form! This is the thought behind Döhler's True Tea* concepts. Only infusions of the highest quality tea leaves are used for these beverages. Due to its special brewing process, the tea is able to develop its full flavour offering true tea indulgence! The use of selected teas means that the variety and country of origin can be claimed on the label of the final product. True Tea* not only appeals to classic iced tea drinkers, but also tea connoisseurs.
* True tea is not a registered trademark (of Döhler or Plantextrakt) and is only used as a name for the concept for better description to the companies' own customers.

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